Familia Buitrago - Yepes

Henos aquí por fin actualizándonos con la tecnología y así compartir con ustedes a quienes tanto queremos retazos de nuestra existencia... Here we are, finally catching up with technology and thus sharing with all of you whom we love... bits and pieces of our existence.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Karla en el Colegio! - Karla is in School!

Este septiembre entro Karla a Pre-Kinder en Coral Gables Elementary. Esta muy contenta y ya aprendio a escribir su nombre!

This September Karla started PreKinder at Coral Gables Elementary. She is very happy and already learned how to write her name!


At 3:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hola Juliana y familia! I cannot believe how big the girls are. We miss you and thanks for keeping in touch. Take care, Tina, Ted, Brianna and Chloe


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