Familia Buitrago - Yepes

Henos aquí por fin actualizándonos con la tecnología y así compartir con ustedes a quienes tanto queremos retazos de nuestra existencia... Here we are, finally catching up with technology and thus sharing with all of you whom we love... bits and pieces of our existence.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Acción de Gracias-Thanksgiving 2007

El evento lo celebramos en el Colegio de Karla, con un banquete maravilloso! Sofia participo activamente en la celebracion pues queria revivir y reencontrarse con su profesora y algunos de sus compañeros. Sofia y Karla se disfrazaron de peregrinas y recrearon el momento historico. En familia lo celebramos con nuestros amigos los Joost e hicimos los pavitos de postre para compartir, fueron un exito!

We celebrated at Karla’s school with a wonderful meal! Sofia had an active participation in the celebration since she wanted to relive the moment and share it with her teacher and some of her classmates. Sofia and Karla dressed as pilgrims and recreated the historic moment. As a family we celebrated with our close friends the Joosts (thank you!) and we did once again the desert turkeys to share, they were a success!


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